A Day in the Life of Earring Struggles


Earrings. What can I say? I have a love/hate relationship with them. I should preface and mention that when I was in seventh grade I got my ears pierced. Unfortunately, one ear-piercing ended up being slightly higher when compared to the other ear. While post earrings were my friend, fish-hook earrings were difficult to deal with depending on how the curve was shaped. Not only that, but with what seemed like a lot of metals that were not hypoallergenic, sterling silver, or gold karat, my ears would break out in an awful mess (sometimes being a hit or miss). I wanted to be able to wear cute earrings like the ones I saw in magazines, Pinterest, or the stores that my friends shopped at that were super affordable and trendy.

Aside from the earrings that I wore earlier this year at my friend’s wedding (which luckily worked out well), I haven’t worn earrings in years. I’ve always felt a little self-conscious about my ear piercings not being completely level, and worried that there was a possibility that the next pair of earrings that I bought could turn out badly (resulting in wearing my hair down to hide my ears breaking out). It wasn’t until I made a trip to Kohl’s (because my brother bought me a gift card for my birthday), that I really made an effort to look at every single sale going on in different departments.

I circled the jewelry department at least twice, before heading back for a third time to finally pick up a pair of rose gold ear climbers by Lauren Conrad. I’ve always been curious about ear climbers because I’ve seen so many pictures on Pinterest. Some ear climber earrings are so long or have a really thick metal that looks like it would weigh your ear down and be uncomfortable.

The one that I found; however, was the LC Lauren Conrad Cubic Zirconia Graduated Marquise Ear Climbers in Rose Tone. I instantly fell in love with the design because it was a shorter style of ear climbers, and they were post earrings! They were also $7.00 (because of the Kohl’s Lowest Prices of the Season Sale), which I really couldn’t pass on, and I just took a leap of faith and hoped that they would work out when I got home and tried them on.

First, when I got home, I used a little bit of hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball to sanitize them. I didn’t have jewelry cleaner, so I improvised. Though, I would highly suggest that you use jewelry cleaner. I also cleaned the top of my ears in the same fashion. Poking through my ear piercings that had somewhat closed up at the back was no fun, but once I got through that, I wore the earrings for several hours. Of course, they were a bit red because of the whole re-piercing thing, but the second and third day of wearing them my ears were completely fine and the redness had faded.

While these earrings may not work for everyone with sensitive ears (I was lucky enough that they worked out for me), I still feel that they would make great gifts for the holidays or even birthday gifts if you know someone who can wear any type of earrings. They’re very affordable when they’re on sale, lightweight, have a plastic backing to add support, and have an ear climber design that is not too overwhelming in length if you want to give the trend a try!

I love how all of Lauren Conrad’s jewelry line has that classic style with a twist which makes it so special! In so many words, my faith in earrings has been restored, and I’m sure I’ll be buying more Lauren Conrad earrings in the future!


Until next time! 



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p.s. What is your favorite accessory find of the year? 

FTC: Not sponsored.


5 Comments Add yours

  1. I love the color to them too! I’m very lazy with my earrings but I think I’ll start using some of the more fun ones I’ve collected over the years now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! You should! It’s kind of fun being able to pair statement earrings with outfits! 🙂


  2. ayrgalaxy says:

    They look so cute and yet so delicate. And I didn’t know she made jewelry too. What doesn’t she make? Lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I know, right? She seems to do it all! I recently found out that she also makes comforter sets and towels.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ayrgalaxy says:

        Omg that girl does it all lol good for her

        Liked by 1 person

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